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  • Writer's pictureChris Russell

Interview – Les is Made

Alright my survivor friends.  I have good news and better news. 

Today’s interview is the last of the ‘filler’ episodes for the interregnum between Season 4 and 5. 

On Friday, September 6th at 11:59 PM or 23:59 Season 5, episode 1 will appear like a rising phoenix on your podcast players around the globe. 

And, If you can’t wait that long, I’m going to make it available to subscribers on Acast a week earlier. 

That’s the perk.  You subscribe you get early access I get money. 

Quid Pro Quo, Clarice, Quid Pro Quo. 

And you may have noticed the confidence with which I stated the exact date and time of the release – well, that, my survivor friends is because I have already written it and Robert is putting the finishing touches on the audio. So it would take a fairly tall tsunami or a nuclear incident for me to miss this delivery.

But, alas, the woods are dark and deep and we have miles to go and promises to keep – so today we present to you an interview.  In this case, I am interviewed by Les on his Les is Made podcast. 

He was quite interested in my Boston Marathon stories, among other things. 

The interview is about 30 minutes long.

If you have, somehow, with cunning and fortitude, managed to listen through all the conversations of this summer of your discontent, you now know more about me.  Which is neither good nor bad, but, maybe it provides some color to your experience as we lumber luxuriously through the final season. 

I’ll return for the comments at the end. 

Enjoy the last interview. 

Les is Made Interview. 

Les is Made

By Les Madewell

My name is Leslie and I am a photographer. I have a few good stories to share and would love to shared them to the world. I try to have models and people I have work with one with me as much as I can. I hope I am at least not boring


Ok survivors.  I see you eyeing me suspiciously as you rub your hands for warmth over a burning barrel.  Is he really going to start season 5 now?  Is he going to let us back into the bunker for the winter? 

Yes, we are!  Grab your meager belongings, claim a bunk, and a comfortable spot on the frayed throw rugs because in 2 weeks we are back in the apocalypse.

Unless you want it a week early then you can subscribe at Acast.

You can also toss me some bottle caps for bartering at Patreon or buy me a coffee.  I like coffee.  No, I really like coffee. 

All of the links will be in the show notes and on our website at

We have over 500 members in our eponymous Facebook group if you want to join.  Just answer the challenge questions because it saves me time.  Otherwise I have to hunt you down and it adds friction to the process.

My book project is progressing.  I wrote a whole new chapter for the first book this week!  Why?  Because the way I’m constructing this an episode at a time, I forget to tie off loose ends!

I am targeting to publish the first book this fall.  If you want to read the final draft to find typos shoot me a note and I’ll hook you up.

And so we come to the end of the summer.  We harvest our fields and celebrate with feasts. 

But winter is coming. 

The days grow short. 

The bunker shelves soon will be empty again and we will need to venture forth into the decaying remnants of the dying world for provisions. 

Check the labels on those old cans of beans and keep surviving!


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