Outro S5 E1 – Oracles
Welcome back from your summer holiday survivors. I hope you all brought back enough food and fuel and entertainment to keep the bunker hoppin’ for the long dark winter.
You may think, “Why doesn’t he just push through and start that new season? Why take a break??”
That’s a very good question. I imagine you’ve experienced this yourselves with creative projects. After a long season it starts to become a grind. When this happens your creative juices dry up, or at least the ferment a bit, but the point is that you stop bringing the same level of creativity and energy when you get worn down. And I think the consumers of the creative content, (that would be you), suffer as a result.
But, when you take some time off to ‘sharpen the saw’, you return with unbridled enthusiasm and energy. It flows. And I thin k it shows in the product.
I’ll leave the interviews up for a few weeks and then I’ll move them to a restricted members area so they don’t clutter up the narrative for you binge listeners. But, if you’re interested in any of the between seasons stuff it will be in the members area on Acast which you can access by subscribing and also on my YouTube channel CYKTRUSSELL – when I switch episodes to member-only in Acast it doesn’t do anything in YouTube.
Over my break I read a lot of books, I listened to a lot of audio books and I worked on the season one manuscript. I want go into all the details… but I’ll give you an overview and a quick story.
I grabbed a big pile of used Sci-Fi novels from the used book store earlier in the spring. No good finds in there. Mostly mediocre stuff. There was one I started reading and realized it was a Sci-Fi genre that I didn’t know existed. “Adult” science fiction. So it was this mediocre Sci-Fi novel where the narrative was interrupted every few pages for a sex scene. This alien had sex with everybody.
I also listened to a half-dozen or so books on audio through my library’s audio book lending program. It’s really good.
Notably, I’m working my way through the works of Hiroki Murakami. I’ll have more to say about him. He’s a wonderful writer.
But, I will leave you with a story. Just so you don’t think I’m a stuck up literature snob - This weekend I listened to the 30th book in the Stephanie Plumb series by Janet Evanovich. This is a lighthearted fiction series about Stephanie Plumb who is a hapless bail bond agent in Trenton New Jersey.
The characters are hilarious and it’s a fun, rollicking ride.
And you may ask, “Chris, how did you get into this series?”
Well. Let me tell you.
In the early 2000’s I was running a startup with an office in Quebec City Canada. And I used to drive up there from where I live outside Boston. It’s about a 9-10 hour drive.
This was the infancy of cell phones – there were no smart phones. Ther was no cell service outside of the cities. The was no digital music or podcasts. So I would get audio books from the library, (on CD) and listen to them on the ride.
One time, for no particular reason, I grabbed one of these Stephanie Plum books, I think it was the 6th one in the series and liked it so much I just kept getting them. Perfect car-ride books.
And that is my story.
Do you think she ever thought she’d be 30 books deep into the series?
As always – keep Surviving!
You can get all the show notes and links on our website at Oldmanapocalypse.com
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I look forward to sharing the bunker with you for the final season, season 5 of After the Apocalypse.
Put you goggle on, scrunch down out of the nuclear-tinged wind and keep surviving.
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Website -> https://www.runrunlive.com
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