Outro S5 E2
Greetings survivors. How are the first, cold brushes of autumn treating you?
Did you split enough firewood for the bunker’s stove?
Did you gather enough nuts and berries for the long, cold winter?
Or did you spend the summer laying about in the sun in a mild torpor like a lazy lay-about?
(yes I know I repeated words in that sentence – but I liked how it sounded.)
I have no editors looking over my virtual shoulder for these outros, so I can take liberties.
I can be peevish.
Peevish is a great word. Has a nice mouth-feel to it. Peevish.
It’s earliest know use in English is the late 1500’s. They think it is a form or derivation of the Latin “Pervert” – Which, if you know your Latin roots is an easy word to tease the meaning out of; ‘Per’ means ‘away’ and ‘vert’ is truth. So, pervert is away from truth.
So perambulate your perceived perceptions and dig it baby!
Anyhow - Hope you enjoyed the first, and now second episode of Season 5.
As far as my goals now, I’m still working on pushing out a published version of the first season as a novel, and I’m making progress, but I’ll be honest it is harder, and more time consuming, to edit than it is to write. Whereas creation feels more fun and inspirational, I suppose editing feels more like work to creatives. But to quote Judge Smails “The world needs ditch diggers too”.
For this and dubious life advice you can visit our website at oldmanapocalypse.com. Or our Facebook group – just search on after the apocalypse or old man apocalypse or follow one of the posted links either here or in the show notes.
You can subscribe on Acast to get the shows early and ad-free.
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And most of all you can start getting yourselves mentally prepared for the upcoming book launch! I think a reasonable goal is for each of you to buy 10,000 copies. So, write that down.
You can always use them for fuel in the bunker stove or to brick up a broken window or even to stop a bullet by carrying one in your breast pocket.
It was a long episode, so I’ll keep these comments brief.
Less than, or perhaps, ‘fewer than’, I’ll need to check the Chicago Style Guide, 500 words.
Keep Surviving!