Hello Survivors! When you hear this we will all have successfully navigated winter solstice. Congratulations. Happy New Year!
There are many cultural and religious traditions associated with this time of year. It’s a time of reassessment and rebirth.
All cultures, modern and ancient, as far back as our cultural memory goes, have marked the winter solstice with somber observation and celebration. They knew the days get longer now – at least up here in our hemisphere.
But that means our ancestors spent a lot of time sitting and watching.
Watching the movement of the stars and planets. Watching the sun rise and set and move across the horizon every year from solstice to solstice. Observing. Marking time. And trying to make sense of it.
The rhythm of life.
Maybe we should take some time to watch the stars and think about life, yeah? Maybe that’s what all this end-of-year rumination is about. Trying to make sense of where we fit in a pulsing, throbbing, living universe of souls.
Either way, 2024 is gone and 2025 is queued up, ready to spin its charms.
And here we are at the end of Episode 10 of Season 5 of the After the Apocalypse podcast. Wow! I could say the season is halfway done, but I’m pretty sure we’re going to go long on this one to tie up some loose ends. Not too long. But definitely more than 20 episodes.
It’s been quite a ride we’ve had here, hasn’t it?
Thank you for riding along with me. Although we’ve never met, there must be some sort of karmic connection, right? I get power from you to make my art. You are part of that creation.
So pat yourself on the back.
Or if you have a broken shoulder from fighting dire wolves in the dark forest among the holy oaks, have someone else do it.
On of my favorite ideas for this time of year is the concept of ‘thin places’. The ancients believed that certain situations, certain times of year, created thin places where our physical, secular world rubbed up against the faery world. And through these thin places we were able to conjoin with the spirits and their ideas.
That’s where you are now. You are in that thin place between the creation of art and your consumption of it.
The connection.
I’m going to leave you with that thought…
And a couple updates.
Remember I have been sharing the good news and good deeds of my friend Rachel, Dr. Shuck, who helped me get my nutrition right over the summer. If one of your solstice goals is to understand and get control of your diet, reach out to Rachel and tell her I sent you at www.Dr Shuck.com/scifi. Of note, she’s giving a few public, web-based workshops in January you can join and see if it something that fits.
I am waiting on what’s known as the “Galley Copy” of the book version of the first season from the printer. The Galley Copy is a printed copy of the book in it’s final stage of completion for me to physically inspect to see if I need to change something. Which, I don’t think I will. After that the publisher loads it up on all the platforms for sale.
When that happens I will let you know and will ask for reviews, etc.
I also got the structural edit of the second season back and will be working through that this spring. I’m hoping I’m over the learning curve and it will be easier and quicker.
But, I’m very excited.
Thank you for helping me accomplish this.
We are at 540 members in our Facebook group. Come on over and meet some of the other survivors.
I post all this stuff at my website www.oldmanapocalypse.com You’ll find all the links there and in the show notes.
Say a quick prayer to the goblins and leprechauns dancing outside the bunker in the moonlight
And I’ll see you out there.